Hot Potato- Girly Songs With Two Dudes Blaine and Joe try to pick up the lyrics with these favorite Summer songs.… MORE

Hot Potato- Girly Songs With Two Dudes Blaine and Joe try to pick up the lyrics with these favorite Summer songs.… MORE
You’ll never guess what this caller’s neighbor did to keep her driveway clean. Three Car Garage… MORE
A stunt rider from Australia named Robbie Maddison recently tested a motorbike with a SURFBOARD down by the wheels, so you can ride it on WATER. And the YouTube video is pretty incredible. He rides it out into a bay . . . turns back toward the beach . . . and catches a WAVE like…… MORE
After some heavy rain in Florida a Tampa Bay man didn’t realize there was a curb as he was riding his bike through the heavy rain.… MORE
Erika Erickson from Fox 2 joins The Blaine Fowler Morning Show today for some “hairy” fun times!!… MORE