Category Archives: The Blaine Fowler Morning Show

Crushing Watermelon With Her Thighs?!

Crushing Watermelon With Her Thighs?!

Ukrainian athlete Olga Lyashchuk holds the record for crushing the most watermelons between her thighs, and she’s here to demonstrate!MORE

We Remember 9/11

We Remember 9/11

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all those effected on 9/11/2001. Thank you to all those serving our country in all branches of the Armed Fores as well as those serving as Firefighters, Police Officers, EMT’s, and any and all first responders.MORE

Selfie Stick Gone Wrong

Selfie Stick Gone Wrong

Put down your selfie sticks, people.  A video of a guy using one to film himself driving is going viral . . . because he stopped paying attention to the road, and crashed into the truck in front of him. Apparently his buddies were in the truck he rear-ended.  And they had a canoe in…MORE

Justin Timberlake shows off baby pictures to Jimmy Fallon

Justin Timberlake shows off baby pictures to Jimmy Fallon

It’s not as though we were ever doubting that Silas was beloved by his parents, but can we talk about how cute these pictures are? Between Biel kissing Silas’ cheek, and Timberlake presenting the little boy like the greatest award he’s ever received in life, I am melting into a little puddle of fan goo. And…MORE

The Rock…Wet…With Puppies

This photo is more powerful than the sum of its parts: it features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, one of the most broadly loved celebrities on Earth; Johnson is wearing a wet T-shirt, revealing his muscles; he is smiling; the photo also features not one, but two puppies; those puppies are French bulldogs, a popular breed among…MORE
