Category Archives: The Blaine Fowler Morning Show

This Girl Hits A Home Run With The Fans Around Her

Hearts melted in the adults around her and I think the boy might still be a little flush! According to MLB the young girl was lucky enough to come into possession of a foul ball off Martinez’s bat during Saturday night’s Twins-Tigers game and since her little brother already had one — she wanted to give…MORE

Grandma Gets The Surprise Of Her Life At A Taylor Swift Concert

Grandma Gets The Surprise Of Her Life At A Taylor Swift Concert

Grandma and Mick Jagger We cannot believe Taylor Swift has seen and personally shared this! It is an amazing story. The tickets were purchased a year in advance, not even knowing about special guests. My mom has had a lifelong dream of going to a Stones concert, but due to a serious health issue this…MORE

A Pair of Two-Year-Olds Are Huge on Instagram

A pair of two-year-olds named Everleigh Soutas and Ava Foley have an Instagram page called For Ever and For Ava, where their moms post photos of them in fashion-forward outfits.  Obviously the moms run it, but it’s pretty popular.  They now have more than 185,000 followers.MORE

Jon Stewart Answers Ellen’s Dance Challenge

Ellen DeGeneres started a social media challenge where you dance to raise awareness for pediatric cancer. After WWE wrestler Triple H challenged Jon Stewart, he responded with this.MORE

Field Goal Off The Ref’s Head

Field Goal Off The Ref’s Head

A high school football player in Texas recently kicked a line-drive field goal that hit one of the referees in the HEAD . . . then bounced off and went through.MORE

The Evil Drug Company CEO

Yesterday, the CEO of the drug company that upped the price of Daraprim by 5,000% said they’re going to DROP the price now.  It’s used to treat and prevent infections in AIDS, cancer, and malaria patients. Before his company bought the rights to it, it was $13.50 a pill.  And they upped it to 750…MORE

The Grandma Who Owns Instagram

The Grandma Who Owns Instagram

There’s an 87-year-old woman in eastern Kentucky named Helen Ruth Van Winkle, but she goes by the name BADDIE WINKLE online . . . and more than 1.6 MILLION people follow her on Instagram. She got into it a while back after her great-granddaughter got her to put HER clothes on, and post a photo.…MORE

Small Plane Lands On A California Road!!

Small Plane Lands On A California Road!!

A small plane had to make an emergency landing on a busy street in Irvine, California last week after its engine failed, and now there’s footage of it. Some guy was sitting at a stoplight when it went by, and his dash-cam got it on video.  Luckily it didn’t hit any cars, and no one…MORE

She Tries Pepsi For The First Time

Mario R.’s girlfriend is allergic to caffeine and therefore can’t drink most sodas containing (Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, etc.), so he decided to go ahead and buy caffeine free Pepsi. This is her reaction upon tasting it for the very first time!MORE

Taylor Swift Does It Again

The “Style” singer came face to face with one of her biggest fans on Monday following her concert in Kansas City — and it looks like the two really hit it off. The 25-year-old posted a video of her meet up with 7-year-old internet sensation Dylan Barnes, who went viral after a video was posted…MORE
