Category Archives: The Blaine Fowler Morning Show

Did Taylor Swift Get A Booty Lift?

From Hollywood Life Taylor’s butt is definitely bigger and perkier than it’s been in the past. Swift is known for being a gorgeous woman with absolutely no backside, and that’s totally okay! But it seems like she wasn’t as okay with it as we were, because she’s made a major change. But how did she pull…MORE

The Entire Friends Cast Face-Swapped…You’ve Been Warned!!

The Entire Friends Cast Face-Swapped…You’ve Been Warned!!

The popular Snapchat selfie filter has become it’s own phenomenon, with users eagerly wanting to picture (literally) what they look like with the mug of a close friend, or anything with a face really, because although it can create horrific images, it’s absolutely hilarious. So E! decided to jump into the craze and create a face-swap…MORE

Cindy Crawford Is 50 & Looking Great!!

Rande caught me in the blue lagoon! Thanks for the ! #regram @randegerber • A photo posted by Cindy Crawford (@cindycrawford) on Apr 3, 2016 at 2:13pm PDTMORE

One Woman’s Viral Letter to Stay-At-Home Moms

Ryshell Castleberry, a Florida-based tattoo artist, penned an emotional tribute to stay-at-home mothers via Facebook on March 3, which now has more than 189,000 shares and 526,000 likes. Castleberry opened the post with an imagined conversation between a psychologist and a husband complaining about how his “wife does not work,” only to end up listing all…MORE
