“Throw kindness around like confetti.”… MORE

“Throw kindness around like confetti.”… MORE
“Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.”… MORE
“Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who go out and get them.”… MORE
“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” – John Maxwell… MORE
“Be who you are, not who the world wants you to be.”… MORE
“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” … MORE
“Be thankful for what you are now, but keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.”… MORE
“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”… MORE
“Happiness is contagious. Be a carrier!” … MORE
“Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.” – Elizabeth Bibesco … MORE