Category Archives: In Case You Missed It

Michigan Resident Is A Yo-Yo Champion

Michigan resident Jake Elliott, 20, took the top spot in the “5A” or “freehand” category at the World Yo Yo Contest. The 5A category involves attaching the yo-yo to a counterweight instead of the performer’s hand. This is amazing worth every minute.MORE

A Bad Lip Reading of The Republican Debate

A Bad Lip Reading of The Republican Debate

The guys who do the BAD LIP-READING videos now have five million followers on YouTube, and their newest video is a bad lip-reading of the first Republican debate that happened two weeks ago. The whole thing is pretty good, but somehow Donald Trump is still the most entertaining one to watch, even when someone else…MORE

Not Just Any Trip To The Grocery Store

Not Just Any Trip To The Grocery Store

  A women at a Dallas area Kroger thought she missed out on a chance to meet an attractive guy but turned to Craigslist with this hilarious missed encounter post.MORE

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon shows off her middle school cheerleading skills. See The Whole Story Here!!MORE

Amazing Campaign Ad!!

Amazing Campaign Ad!!

A Canadian politician made an amazing ad of him shooting lasers and slaying a dragon.MORE

In Case You Missed It!!

In Case You Missed It!!

Ed Sheeran got a tattoo of a lion on his chest, and It’s not going over well with his fans. See The Whole Story Here!!MORE

In Case You Missed It!!

In Case You Missed It!!

A tornado passed right over a car, and flattened a row of trees, looks like the driver bailed out right at the last minute.MORE

In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed It

An instrument called a Waterphone makes the creepy noises you hear in horror movies.   We’d never even heard of this instrument before, but you hear it in every horror movie.  It’s called a waterphone, and it’s basically a metal plate with a bunch of small, metal poles jutting up from it. Each pole is…MORE

In Case You Missed It!!

In Case You Missed It!!

A YouTuber from England named Colin Furze posts videos of his inventions, which usually have no practical purpose . . . they’re just cool.  And about 1.3 million people subscribe to him. Last year he made retractable claws like the ones Wolverine has, and the video got over eight million hits. Now a video of…MORE
