‘Merica, YOLO, clicktivism and more added to the Oxford English Dictionary

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We’ve read, used and hashtagged many of them already, now it’s time to see what has been made “official” in the  new Oxford English Dictionary:

’Merica (n.): America. Note: Originally and chiefly in representations of nonstandard speech. Now frequently also in ironic or self-conscious use, emphasizing emblematic or stereotypical qualities of American traditions, institutions and national ideals.

YOLO (int.): “You only live once”; used to express the view that one should make the most of the present moment without worrying about the future (often as a rationale for impulsive or reckless behavior).

moobs (n.): unusually prominent breasts on a man, typically as a result of excess pectoral fat.

clicktivism (n.): the practice of signaling support for a political or social cause by means of the Internet, through social media, online petitions, etc., rather than by more substantive involvement.

gender-fluid (adj.): designating a person who does not identify with a single fixed gender.

fuhgeddaboudit (int.): in representations of regional speech (associated especially with New York and New Jersey): “forget about it”; used to indicate that a suggested scenario is unlikely or undesirable.

