The story of Michigan couple facing possible jail time over library books making national headlines

library books

The story of a Tecumseh couple facing larceny charges and the threat of jail time over library books is making national news.  Cathy and Melvin Duren are facing criminal charges for not returning a Dr. Suess book to the library.

It was actually the couple’s son that used Cathy’s  card to borrow the book to read to their granddaughter back in July 2014.   The book got lost. Later Cathy then borrowed a book on her husband’s library card. That book was returned it late.

Both are facing a misdemeanor charge of failure to return property although they returned one book and paid fees owed for the other. A judge told the Tecumseh couple they could land in jail for up to 93 days and face a maximum $500 fine.

According to WXYZ, it was the additional fees that are the sticking point. Cathy and Melvin were charged a $105 “diversion fee” to the Lenawee County Economic Crimes Unit in addition to fines owed to the fines

The Durens each remain free on a $100 bond.

Wasn\'t there a Seinfeld episode kind of like this?
