From The Detroit News | By Ken Calverley and Chuck Breidenstein
DETROIT, August 3, 2023 ~ We do it every day, often without even thinking about it.
To many of us it is a competition of sorts, to others a compromise and to yet a third group, a frightening experience.
What we are talking about is negotiation. It is an artform practiced by leaders who strategize each encounter to achieve a specific outcome, and some use it as a tool to dominate others.
A successful negotiation should be a win-win for all parties, particularly if we recognize one of the overriding concepts of any such interaction; that is, we want different things.
August 6, 2023 ~ Chuck “The Inside Guy” Breidenstein and Ken “The Outside Guy” Calverly offer the knowledge and resources you need to make the home of your dreams a reality. Catch them every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon on 760 WJR.
When you pull through a drive-in restaurant, you do so knowing what you are going to get and what it is going to cost you.
You recognize the value in the exchange and never try to change the parameters of the negotiation by, for instance, offering less than the price printed on the menu.
If one of the expected outcomes changes; say the food takes half an hour or you get something other than what you ordered, you are no longer satisfied and may demand some type of additional compensation.
They wanted your money. You wanted predictable food quickly and a polite person to deliver it.
When we enter a negotiation understanding what we want out of it we are more likely to be satisfied with the results.
In most cases it calls for an exchange of money for goods and/or services. When we feel the exchange was fair, we assign “value” to the proposition.
For housing advice and more, listen to “The Inside Outside Guys” every Saturday and Sunday on 760 WJR from 10 a.m. to noon, or contact them at InsideOutsideGuys.com.